
What we offer:

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    Fursuit Premades

    We take between 3-7 kemono partials depending on venue size. For example we plan to make 9 reindeer for the holiday season.
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    Hand dyed & Printed Apparel

    We have sustainable, hand crafted shirts. We have 4 crew designs & 3 baseball tee designs.
  • Hand Printed Bags

    Canvas crossbody bags, printed in house. Customs made available at conventions alongside premade designs.
  • Plush Fursuit Collars

    Dye sublimated mochi-minky plush collars. available in a rainbow of colors with several designs in process!
  • Fursuit Glasses

    Fun grab n' go accessory! 3D printed in house with an elastic strap in a rainbow of colors.
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Conventions we've Vended!

Anthrocon 2023

June 29, 2023 - July 2nd, 2023

This was an incredible undertaking as we planned on taking 10 Dalmatian premades to this con alongside debuting 3 new streetwear style shirts! This marked our largest fursuit batch and shirt order as we took 200 handmade shirts. In the end 5 of the suits had presold, shocking us but by the end of the convention they had all found homes!

Golden State Fur '23

April 5th - April 7th, 2023

Attendance: 1815

one eight hour drive, 2 premades and a car full of shirts made our convention a grand experience! We had a blast beyond vending, and went to some whacky panels. This marked our largest table yet at a whopping 12 feet! This was a huge advantage since we could place shirts above and below us, since attendees eyes usually pick one or the other when walking by. Definitely a preferred set up moving forward!

Painted Desert FurCon

December 31st - January 2nd, 2023

Total Attendance: 1233

This was a super relaxing convention we attended with friends! This was also the first time being in artist alley as well as Nick's first solo adventure! The event being over new years weekend made perfect timing for an end of year clear-out sale! The artist alley was perfectly placed before the panels and gave every artists great foot traffic!

Midwest Furfest '22

December 1st- December 4th, 2022

Total Attendance: 13,641

Debuted 3 of our first canine fursuits! After nearly 40 suits, we decided to finally make a pitbull, husky, and Gshep!

Being our largest fury convention at the timem we wer absolutely honored by the opportunity. Needless to say we know exactly what apparel is needed for Chicago in December and so jackets are an absolute must next time!

Arizona Furcon '22

October 12-14th (Mesa, Arizona)

Attendance: Around 700

Here we brought 2 interesting premades; an armadillo and a Moo Cow! The cow featured a fanny pack udder that made a lot of people laugh!

This was our first introduction of fandom figurines and we asked attendees what species they were looking forward to seeing!

A semi local con being only 2 hours away makes it a great excuse to see regulars who attend Tucson events and see friends again!

Tucson Pride '22

September 29th - September 30th, 2022

Total attendance: around 5000

Tucson pride was interesting and an unexpected turnout. There were a lot more recruitment booths than we expected for public groups. We were one of the few who offered goods to sell. We'll definitely bring more bags and stickers next time as families with small children preffered smaller goodies! Being alocal con made it a relaxing 20 minute drive there and home.

Made a ton of local connections and new friends :)

Tucson Comicon '22

September 2nd-4th, 2022 (Tucson, Arizona)

Final attendance: around 11,000

This was an amazing experience! Every vendor was absolutely lovely making the vibes alone are worth going back for. This con is local to us, and one we've attended since the early 2010's, So getting got vend was a delight to see the other end of the table! We made a lot of local connections that we hope to work with in the future!

Denver Fan Expo '22

July 1-3, 2022 (Denver, Colorado)

Attendees: around 120,000

This was our first convention! Attending one of the 5th largest conventions in the US really prepares you for anything. Most importantly, we learned the crucial differences between how furry conventions run versus anime conventions. We learned what fandoms most gravitate too and types of merchandise is preferred depending on the event. Next time we hope to bring more bags and situate ourselves near the entrance since most are not able to bring theirs inside!

Every furry we did see made sure to stop by which was pretty funny!