This universe contains all sentient canines including foxes, dogs, coyotes, wolves, and wild dog types.
Werewolf Basics
“lycanthropia” is known as a genetic mutation that only occurs in less than 0.02% of the canine population. This has only been a registered ailment for roughly 30 years though it has been present for much longer. Perceptions of werewolves among wolves steeped in their ancestral culture tend to view the condition as a noble breed; the last connection to their ancestors. It is said that a werewolf's main traits are reflections of themselves and that if one could master their lycanthropy, they would find true bliss on the other side. All others perceive them with fear and prejudice. This tension led to political ties being cut between canine families. Werewolves, unshifted, stand around 6 feet and shifted can grow between 7 and 9 feet tall depending on mixing (eye level with the largest of the bears) 300-600 lbs with as little as 12% bodyfat. Their claws are elephant piercing and jaw strength rival jaguars. Their gate at full gate tops around 40MPH. Strike System
Werewolf Symptomsnot mutually exclusive Do to their unstable genetics, werewolves are known to go through rapid “shifts” but their basic physiology changes as well. Most commonly: Increased biomass, up to quadruple strength, increased teeth and bone density, thickened skin, increased appetite, etc. Lycanthropia has been documented for some patients as a near religious experience. To some it's be claimed as a separate entity To many its seen as an intrinsic part of who they are. However due to societal pressure, more often than not corrective measures are advocated for from all sides as many are convinced it is necessary for their health and the safety of society at large.
Transformation (Universal) All werewolves transform. It is the defining characteristic of being a werewolf. Spoiler: However, not all transformations are visibly detectable as such. Blood Protein (Universal) The genetic anomaly that makes someone a werewolf produces a protein in their blood that, through testing, can confirm someone’s status of having the condition. (Spoiler: This protein can also commonly produce a scent on a werewolf’s breath that is too subtle to be detected by most noses.) “Demon Eyes” (Universal) All reported cases of patients within days of their first shift report eye pain as the structure of their eyes change internally. When shifting their eyes take on a white glow paired with dark sclera. Though some have testified to a red reflection in the tapetum, no such cases have been documented. Silver Allergy (Universal) Direct contact with silver stifles bodily regeneration. Many werewolves experience light caustic burns from initial skin contact with the metal. Continual exposure has been shown to debilitate werewolves with effects such as fluish lethargy. Fangs (Common) Enlarged canine teeth that protrude over the lip Growth (Common) Permanent body growth, even in unshifted form. Blackout (Common) Werewolf shifts are total blackouts and the patient is unable to recall any events during transformation. Uncommonly among these cases, this amnesia may extend to events immediately post- or preceding transformation. Impaired Speech (Common) Werewolves often can’t speak the same while transformed, though this can usually be overcome by means of practice with the transformed vocal chords, lips and tongue. Werewolves have thickened muscles surrounding and protecting the larynx. Uncommonly, the shifted state of these mechanisms prevent pronounceable speech altogether. Spiking Body Temperature (Common) Bolstered resistance to bacterial infections; increased chance of heatstroke in high-temperature environments; prone to fevers and chronic fatigue. Hallucinations (common) While shifted, the change in neurochemistry may lead to misinterpretations of sensory stimuli for some werewolves. They may perceive things that aren’t there or perceive objects or phenomena differently than everyone around them. Immune System Sensitivity (Common) Bolstered resistance to viral infections and toxins; prone to developing additional allergic reactions beyond silver. Post-Shift Fatigue (Common) Most werewolves suffer from an overactive metabolism and need to compensate for an excessively inefficient loss of energy after a transformation. Prolonged negligence may result in muscular atrophy. Inadequate nutrition may result in an eating disorder &/or chronic anemia. Pain Tolerance (Common) Not all werewolves are able to quickly and automatically dull pain, but it often comes as part of being able to withstand the shifting process. Those without this trait often suffer incredibly with every shift. Alternatively, some may experience a form of intoxication by shifting as their body floods with endorphins. Heightened Emotionality (Common) Werewolves in-general tend to feel their emotions more strongly than most dogs, even while not transformed. Reduced Patience (Common) With the heightened intensity of reflexes and other instincts often comes a proportional impulsivity. Such werewolves also tend to be vulnerable to stress and anxiety. Dynamic Fur (Common) There are many documented cases of werewolves’ pelts becoming darker shades while in wereform. Uncommon cases have been known to have pelts become lighter shades, and a rare few develop additional patterning in their wereform or change to an entirely different hue to better reflect their environment and increase stealth. It has been hypothesized that there could be a werewolf with the capacity to willingly alter their wereform’s fur design upon shift, but this has never been proven. Regeneration (Universal) Separated into tiers, and graded “low” to “high” within those tiers. Most werewolves at least have some capacity to recover from bone and muscle damage caused by the transformation process. Upon a shift back from wereform, most werewolves will already be showing signs of mending bone and muscle damage. Silver tier (Common) - Almost no regeneration at all; barely heals better than a non-werewolf. At the highest grade of this tier, it heals just fast enough to undo damage from a shift without leaving scars (Called "silver tier" because cases of the lowest grade of this tier might as well be "healing no-better than a non-werewolf, and equips the werewolf with no inherent ability to recover from the side-effects of the shifting process. As such, the simple act of shifting itself–the very basis of which it means to be a werewolf in the first place–becomes a detriment to the werewolf's body; just like silver.) Gold tier (Uncommon) - Healing that consistently renders the shifting process relatively painless, and even extends to non-shifting-related injuries. Werewolves with this tier of regeneration do not scar easily. They heal from minor cuts and bruises within a day, and the highest grades of this tier have exhibited the capacity for rapid muscle growth. Platinum tier (Exceedingly Rare) - Werewolves with this tier of regeneration can mend broken bones in the span of a week. Nothing short of silver can reliably do lasting damage, and silver may not even produce the usual allergic response beyond temporarily neutralizing the regeneration. Possibly able to regenerate limbs over a long period, though this is untested. Dual Entity (Uncommon) In which a werewolf “side” can create a separate consciousness within the host. Often the Host and werewolf side can communicate mentally. Personalities between the two are usually different. Hyperthyroidism (Uncommon) Because of the immense caloric intake needed to shift, doing so without enough fat stores can result in mood swings, difficulty sleeping, decreased bone density, anorexia, deterioration of muscles, and in extreme cases, cardiac arrest. If not satiated, shifting could deteriorate internal organs for nutrients of sufficient fat stores are not available. Sixth sense (Uncommon) A form of extreme hypersensitivity, enhancing all senses to incredible levels. Sensitivity to atmosphere creates a vibrational feedback against the skin, meaning objects can be felt at a short distance with near pinpoint accuracy. perception is heightened to detect unseen, unheard, but present figures using wind current and seismic sensation. Hearing, smell, and sight are all enhanced greatly. This can cause panic attacks in overstimulating places, and cause lashing out in panicked patients. Exceedingly rare spoiler variant: Werewolf detection. Induces anxiety-like symptoms around unfamiliar other werewolves. Overshedding (Uncommon) When transformations result in a loss of fur via stretched skin; may not grow back as fast as other werewolves. Spasmic Shifts (Uncommon) Occasionally, a werewolf may suffer muscular spasms while in-wereform that debilitate their motor functions. Black Blood (Rare) Overproduction of the werewolf protein causes a darkened pigment in their blood. In ancient times werewolves with this trait were subject to religious sacrifice. This blood has a chemical reaction to atmospheric oxygen that causes a steam like vapor to form, making bleeding hosts appear to be emitting gas from their wounds. Inhalation can cause dizziness. Scales/Quills (Rare) Increased keratin can create quills or scales along the hide. Scales are typically wide and flat whereas quills are skinny and sharp. It's believed these are evolutionary adaptations for offensive or defensive fighting. These are not present when unshifted and fall off after patients return to normal. However fur will generally remain rough to the touch and very stiff. Paws (Rare) Some were-forms lose the dexterity of their extremities as hands and fingers warp into more feral shapes with greater muscle mass. Retractable Claws (Rare) When it occurs at all, this trait most often manifests paired with paws. In which case, the werewolf’s claws become more hook-like and can fold back without causing cumulative tissue damage. In exceedingly rare cases though, a werewolf without the Paws trait may exhibit the capacity to produce keratin spontaneously to forcibly elongate their claws. This, as well as the paired ability to pull said claws back into their fingers risks damage to the internal musculature of the extremities and is detectably painful for the werewolf. Blood Dependency (Rare) Most werewolves require large amounts of protein to recover from their transformations. However, some have digestive systems that specifically require blood consumption for maximum nutrition. Such werewolves have been observed to consistently have even more pronounced fangs than average. Partial Transformations (Rare?) A werewolf with this trait may exhibit transformations localized to a segment of their body rather than the entirety of it. Needs further study. Restlessness (Exceedingly Rare) With a sufficiently well-maintained metabolism, it is not unheard-of for a werewolf to reach a point where they can go long periods devoid of extensive exertion without sleep. Cyclical Shifting (Unknown) It has been hypothesized that some werewolves may shift at regular intervals dictated by biological mechanisms that act as a sort of internal clock. Spontaneous Shifts (Unknown) It is theoretically possible for a werewolf to transform into-and-out-of their wereform so instantaneously that it goes unnoticed by even the werewolf themself. Additional Tails (Unknown) There’s a fox story about a wolf/fox hybrid that had multiple tails and transformed like a werewolf. This story has been corroborated, but not confirmed to be anything more than a folk story. |
Pure silver is an irritant, as the mutation causes an allergy to it. Thus, mixed metal muzzles, chains, collars are typical adornments if imprisoned. It can cause anything from light irritation to chemical burns but restricts the body's urge to fully transform. There is ongoing testing to develop a cure for Lycanthropia using silver metals within the body.